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Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Point of the Point is not the Point

Have you ever had a dog?

There's a funny scenario that plays out with our pets, time and time again. You're at the park with your dog and you throw the stick/ball/Frisbee. Most of the time your dog follows the arc of your arm as you throw it, and their eyes never leave the object. But this time maybe Rover got distracted by some laughing kids or a car with a loud stereo, but whatever the case, the dog doesn't know that you threw it or where you threw it. And it looks to you, and then to the side, then back to you, then spins around. It's confused!

So you call to your dog, and point in the direction that you threw the object. What does the dog do? Yep, he's looking at your hand! You call, "No, no, over THERE!" but the dog is still looking back and forth from you to your hand. It's so frustrating, and yet funny!

The point is, don't mistake what is pointing for what is pointed AT. The two are completely different.

In the Bible, throughout history there have been wise men that the Jewish people referred to as prophets. Never did these prophets point to themselves, but always to God.

Then came one of the greatest prophets, John the Baptizer, and although he also pointed to God, you could make a case that he was mainly pointing to the coming of Jesus.

Then came Jesus, a prophet that was more than a prophet. Although he could have given in to the temptation to flex his power as God's son, he purposely took great pains to humble himself and limit himself. Why? Because his task and his message was more important than his own person. Think about that for a moment! What Jesus pointed to was more important than Jesus himself! (Wow)

Did the people around him look to see where he was pointing, or did they just look at his hand? So many people just wanted more food, healing, or another magic trick. Over and over Jesus tried to tell stories to illustrate God's love for them, that they didn't have reason to be anxious or worried, that rewards would come to the faithful, and that evil-doers get tripped up in their own evil schemes. He repeatedly showed that what you do from this point on is way more important than anything you have done in the past, and that it's important to stay receptive and not have a hardened heart to the truth. But did people actually hear Jesus? A few did.

The same dynamic is going on right now, 2000 years after Jesus walked the Earth. What do you expect to GET from Jesus? Or are you listening, trying to stay receptive and open?

Ultimately, I think there is even a truth that God is pointing us to. What could it be?

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