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Sunday, August 29, 2010


I read a blog post recently that saddened me. Here is the blog.

It saddens me because I sense that he really does love God, he's just upset at people. And I can't agree more.

People upset me, too.

This is a difficult and maybe impossible topic to pin down to a definition.

Because on one level, our relationship with God is a completely intimate bond between the individual and his creator, and is found in that quiet place inside of us only after we have emptied ourselves of our egotistical attachments. This is prayer, meditation, like Jesus showed in the garden of Gethsemane before his arrest.

And on another level, our relationship with God is reaching out to others, as Jesus did on a daily basis to all around him.

On the personal, internal level, nothing that anyone can ever do can separate me from God. That connection is permanent. I may occasionally forget that it is there, but it never goes away.

On the external, interpersonal level, I believe we have to accept where a person is in their path as being their business, their choice, given the situation and info that they have. We can impart info to them, and/or try to change their physical situation, show compassion. But ultimately it is their choice of how they proceed from there.

And if others attack us, is it really 'us' they attack? A wild animal that is covered in oil from an oil spill, or has a broken leg or wing will attack its rescuer. But it would be insane for the rescuer to seriously be angry with the animal!

If other people, maybe even people in the church, work at contrary purposes to how we perceive they 'should' act, couldn't it be not necessarily from an evil intent, but merely ignorance? Can we be angry at them for the sin of not knowing any better?

Jesus was mistreated by people that really didn't understand that he could solve their problems, banish their fears. Did he get angry with them? What did Jesus get angry at? He was angered by the assertions of those who decided that they were experts on God.

Flash forward to the 21st century-- Spotlight on a couple of blog writers, expounding on matters pertaining to people's relationship with God-- I am humbled. This is very serious and dangerous business, writing such a blog!

I trust that God seeks and saves that which is lost. The shepherd isn't motivated by the lost sheep's thoughts, and the father isn't motivated by the prodigal son's thoughts. God knows us and seeks us out despite what we think we have to say about the matter!

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