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Friday, June 11, 2010

Forbidden Fruits

As a species, why do we humans have our 'wires crossed'?
Why is it that illicit activity is exciting?
Why do we get such a kick out of something stolen?
Why do women like the 'bad boys'?
Why do we enjoy TV shows centered around spies, vampires, and similar dark characters, or violent crime dramas?
And why do we not get a kick out of 'being good'?

I think that the hunger people have for the 'dark side' is from a warped pursuit of empowerment. Finally they feel a bit of freedom in the crossing into 'forbidden' territory!

This is precisely why Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the garden. It was a misguided attempt at personal empowerment.

Would you say that Jesus was an empowered individual?
Of course you would!

So, what are we missing here? Why do we find it so hard to get 'plugged in' so-to-speak?

Speaking for myself, I have realized that I get a feeling of personal empowerment by being assertive, in any manner. This is one of the secrets of life, investment-- what you invest will return amplified.

Jesus had a task set before him, and he took the responsibility gladly to get the job done. Because he answered the call of his responsibility, that assertive stance further empowered him.
He did what he knew to be right even if it was at odds with religious or political leaders, because he was a spiritual leader.

If we Christians are to set ourselves the task of following Jesus' lead, of being like him, we may often find that political and religious groups (worldly powers) fear empowered individuals. They would much rather you merely worship Jesus.

Inaction is starvation. If you merely worship Jesus, you are starving yourself.

You won't hear that in most churches.


  1. I think it's from an unintegrated shadow. Something within us we can't bear to look at because it's not what we are told is ok or right. Not what society says is ok. Not what the church says is ok.

    But something in our nature pushes us to act on these impulses in secret. If they happen to come out, it destroys families, careers, relationships. Had it been integrated into the whole person, creating a whole person, maybe nothing would have "gone wrong".

  2. Thanks Claudia.

    I do believe we have natural 'animal' impulses that are from having these meat-based bodies. Do animals think in moralistic terms when they kill as part of their nature, or eat, or procreate? No, of course not (that we can tell, anyways) because they are as you said, integrated into their whole being.
    The human drive to reach for something higher somehow despises our God-given natural state that includes that human drive, which is funny!
