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Saturday, June 5, 2010

How Big Is Your God?

This is something I've been thinking about for a long time.

By asking, "How big..." of course I am also asking, "How small...".

I believe this is a very similar challenge to Elijah's challenge of the priests of Baal in I Kings 18, and also similar to Jesus' description of the kingdom of heaven being like a mustard seed, or having faith at least as big as a mustard seed. It's all challenging your concept of God.

Here is my challenge for you-- How strong is your faith?

I am primarily directing this at Christians, but it works for other belief systems as well.

Here's the important question, just fill in the blanks:

What if ______________ were discovered to be (True/False), would that destroy your faith?

1. What if the existence of extra-terrestrial aliens were discovered to be true, would that destroy your faith? Couldn't God be big enough to include aliens?

2. What if the writings of Jesus were discovered, and they conflicted with the modern church in some way, would that destroy your faith? Wouldn't a strong faith in God decide to then reexamine the conflicting LESSER power, the ideology of the church? Or is God the lesser power to the church?

3 What if evolution were discovered to be true, would that destroy your faith? Would that necessarily mean God doesn't exist? Or maybe we just don't understand the system, but God is still there?

4. What if the universe were discovered to be much older than the opinions of the religious experts, would that destroy your faith?

5. What if a bible story (like the creation accounts) were discovered to be allegorical in nature, would that destroy your faith? If you believe Jesus was/is God and Jesus taught in parables, doesn't that mean God might teach with stories, too?

I'm NOT talking about fanatical faith that flies in the face of scientific facts! Nor am I saying that in order for faith to have merit, that we must not understand it! God gave us a brain to use fully!

What I am asking is that you put yourself in the mindset of someone just a few hundred years ago, if you weren't afraid of being tortured for having an open mind--
'What if the Earth were discovered to be not flat, but a sphere, would that destroy your faith?'

Come up with your own questions. God's not afraid of anything you can ask.

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