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Friday, June 25, 2010

Openness and Growth

We know in the natural world that an opening of some sort is an invitation for something to move into that opening, to fill it up. As a vacuum pulls in pressure, darkness somehow pulls in light, and coldness pulls out heat. Balance is sought, and that creates motion, energy.

As we gain in maturity (consciousness, not fossilization, lol) we are encouraged to be more accepting of others, to open up more, and to internalize our daily ration of life lessons. This, and our quiet time in prayer and connection with God, brings peace and quiet and allows positive energy and facilitates a higher consciousness. This is growth.

Unconsciousness / confusion leads to refusal to 'play well' with others, refusal to have any opening, refusal to internalize or learn from life's lessons. There is no prayer or deep connection with self or God. What is produced internally can only be a chaos of discordant noise, annoyance and disconnection from self and others. The confused or unconscious has cut themselves off from any sort of real life.

Consciousness / growth is ever opening, ever growing!
Unconsciousness is cutting off, closing, dying.

In life there are only two states- things that are growing and things that are dying. You are either growing or dying depending on whether you open yourself or close off.

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